He has previously shown himself to be a man of common sense so Well Done to Judge Judge and two other's sitting who sensibly heard the appeal of Munir HUSSAIN and gave him a suspended sentence for inflicting GBH on the burglar who entered his home. As the law stands this was all they could do and it is a fair judgement, and that's all anybody could ask for.
I've already posted on similar cases and as always the law throws up exceptional cases such as this one where the burglar was chased down the road and beaten, receiving injuries . I do have sympathy for Tokeer HUSSAIN who remains in jail but he too got his sentence reduced and will be out soon. I don't know the medical evidence of the injuries received by Walid Salem, but as he has been arrested for a crime since can assume his recovery is going well.
I do wonder if Mr Salem would be due compensation from the CICA or even have the gall to sue millionaire businessman Munir HUSSAIN for civil damages. If he does I hope whoever sits in judgement gives him short shrift.
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