I could go on all day trying to explain it but I think if you watch the video below where Jon Kabat Zinn takes a session at Goggle you will understand better. Those of you who think it's bull - fine I respect that as I scoffed at all this deep breathing stuff that gets pumped out myself. It is I believe about looking deeper at your thoughts and just being aware that what's happened in the past is history and the future hasn't happened so why worry about that too. I really try to live in the present and my battle is against acting in an automotive reactive way at work. I've at times really been in the zone since taking this up and the meditation practices have really helped. There have been occasional lapses where I've had a chomp at people but these moments have only made me more determined to carry on meditating. I would like to just add that there are no substances involved in this either - just in case any of you are thinking that.
My patience has been really tested this week by these idiots Islam4Britain or their real name Al Muhajiroun who pulled everybody's chains with plans to demonstrate through Wootton Bassett, and I'm sure they got the reaction they wanted. I could spread negative vibes about this and really need to suppress my disgust and anger.
So I'll go positive as I believe what we are really seeing is the silent majority rising again, this time in the form of Jo Cleary who is just a normal non political person who loves her country. The politicians can only offer words but no actions as their hands are tied by the Human Rights Act they all love.
What would I like to see happen to some of these people? For a start those on benefits who seem very able to attend these gatherings should have them stopped straight away. Those who are not British citizens should be deported, and those who have been granted citizenship should have it stripped as their presence is not conducive to the public good. All it takes is the politicians to make a new law as nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. That includes a referendum on Europe that the silent majority were promised.
I think I need to be doing some more of this .... It's long but stay with it
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