Friday, 16 January 2015

Car Accident Lawyer in Brooklyn - Car Accident Facts

Car Accident Facts

Car accidents are common in Brooklyn due to the numbers of vehicles clogging our streets, highways and freeways. Everyone must get around by car. If you've been unlucky enough to have suffered a car crash in Brooklyn, there are some basic facts you must know.

Fact #1: You can be injured even if your car wasn't.

Fact #2: You must seek medical help right away.
You must report to a car accident doctor specialist within the first 72 hours. If you seek care afterward, your case may be jeopardized and your rights to proper care and a fair car accident settlement may be diminished. The insurance computers "like" treatment in the first 72 hours and score your claim higher while they discount claims for cases that seek care after 72 hours.

Yes, car accident injuries are a specialized field. Your car accident injury expert will also be able to assist you in answering calls and letters from insurance companies and lawyers and refer you to other specialists when necessary.

Fact #4: The average mild to moderate car accident neck injury can take 3 to 6 months to heal.
Studies have shown that upwards of 40% of car accident neck injuries become permanent.

Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer?
Car accidents have become one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In fact, each and every year car accidents are claiming more than three million lives. When involved in a car accident, the best thing you should do is contact a lawyer.

Why a Car Accident Lawyer is important?

• Costs of wrongful deaths are also well and timely compensated with the help of a lawyer.

• A lawyer is an expert in assessing vital details in police/medical reports as well as interviewing witnesses present at the scene of accident.

• A Brooklyn accident lawyer gathers all necessary information needed, tries to find out how the accident happened and why it happened, including details of all persons concerned. Most importantly, when involved in any car accident, don't talk to your insurance company until you have spoken to an experienced lawyer first. A car accident lawyer will handle all communication that needs to take place as well as giving a professional reply when required, to all questions when raised on behalf of the other party or insurance company.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Stock Audio And Videos

One way to spice up your videos is to add some stock audio and/or stock video footage. You can buy songs from Stock20 in packages, or you can grab individual songs for less than $10. Stock video is available via The pricing there depends on the resolution of the video you purchase.

There are lots of other royalty free sources for music and video that you can find in the search engines.

My Stock Audio Provider

Stock Audio is a part of is a marketplace that allows users to offer, sell and buy digital items ( photos, graphics, video, and audio) a variety of pricing formats and locations. The actual contract for sale is directly between the sellers and buyers.

New content is continually added to the archive, so there is always something new!
All graphics and files provided on come with the right to use them in all types of projects. There are absolutely no additional fees beyond the price which you pay in our market.